Free April 21 PHMN Webinar: Residential VRF Systems for Passive Houses with Mike Schaefer

On April 21 at 5pm CST, Passive House Minnesota is co-hosting a webinar with Mike Schaefer of Mitsubishi about the concept of Passive & High-Performance homes and the application of Residential Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems to meet their design and efficiency requirements. He will review the technology and advantages of Residential VRF Systems and their performance in cold climates, the process used to properly size cooling and heating equipment, and the benefits afforded by Residential VRF Systems.
Mike has been in the HVAC Industry since 2005 where he has worked on all levels including contracting, distribution and manufacturing. Mike joined Mitsubishi Electric in 2014 and has held multiple roles including Commercial Area Manager, Residential Area Manager and was most recently part of Mitsubishi Electric’s Performance Construction Team which is focused on providing healthy, efficient and reliable mechanical solutions to the high performance building market. He is currently the Regional Sales Manager for the Chicago market.
VRF for Passive House and High Performance Homes – Passive House Minnesota
Tue, Apr 21, 2020 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (CDT)
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