Ice Box Challenge at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair

Ice Boxes at the 2024 MN State Fair

Passive House is at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair! With the generous support of our sponsor Xcel Energy, the Ice Box Challenge are set up at their booth between the Eco Experience Center and the Fine Arts Building.

Two boxes—one built to the upcoming Minnesota residential building code, another to the Passive House standard—are setup for the duration of the State Fair and filled with 2,000 pounds of ice, each. Thermometers and scales inside the boxes measure the temperatures and track the depleting ice. The amount of ice left in each box at the end of the display period is a demonstration of how well each ice box kept out the heat, and therefore the quality and performance of the building standard.

Make your guess, how much ice will be left at the end of the State Fair. The three closest guesses will win an exclusive MN State Fair Ice Box Challenge t-shirt and a Passive House Design Book. Contest closes August 31st. Winners announced at the reveal September 2, 2.30PM, right after the Fair parade.


  • 8/13 Tuesday Ice In Day, 2pm: 1,683 lbs
  • 8/24 Saturday, 4pm: 1,164 lbs


  • 8/13 Tuesday Ice In Day, 2pm: 1,540 lbs
  • 8/24 Saturday, 4pm: 599.5 lbs

Learn more about Passive House during the Fair!

Talk to a Certified Passive House Designer or Tradesperson

Ask your questions about the Ice Box Challenge, find out more about Passive House building standards and learn how you can bring safe, healthy, efficient buildings to your community!

Installing the 2024 Ice Box Challenge at the Minnesota State Fair


Please contact us if you wish to support us at the MN State Fair, support the Passive House Network, or have other questions about the Ice Box Challenge, or Passive House in general.