Passive House MN Happy Hour

Join us for drinks at Fair State Brewing Co-op in Minneapolis! WhatThis is Passive House MN’s monthly Meet&Greet (happy hour) where board members and others in the local PH community get together to discuss Passive House and drink marvelous beers. WhoAll are...

April 30, 2019


Join us for the October Meeting

Please join us on October 23 at 6pm at TE Studio for an update on the NAPHN18 conference, and to connect with your fellow Passive House practitioners and NAPHN chapter members. Refreshments will be provided courtesy of Swegon North America. TE Studio...

October 22, 2018

NAPHN18 Conference + Expo

Don’t miss the NAPHN18 Conference + Expo Pittsburgh’s premier event for professionals & practitioners in the fields of Passive House design, high-performance building and energy efficiency. Hosted by the North American Passive House Network (NAPHN), this year’s event is from Thursday until...

September 10, 2018


It’s official!  Today, Passive House Minnesota inked the agreement with the North American Passive House Network to become its first chapter. This is the beginning of a new journey for PHMN, NAPHN and the Passive House movement in the United States. We...

July 23, 2018

Cold Weather Open House February 18

Experience a Passive House during Minnesota Winter. The Nordeast Nest opens its doors on February 18, 2018 from Noon until 4pm.  Join Passive House Minnesota and the people behind the project, as well as the homeowners. We’ll see you there.  

January 24, 2018


2017 International Passive House Days

Open House: Sunday, November 12, 2017 from Noon until 5pm at the MinnePHit House in Minneapolis. Project lecture at 2pm.  For details, click the link to the Passive House database entry. Powered by Eventbrite 2017 International Passive House Days  

October 16, 2017

Passive House Meet & Greet September 20, 2017

Passive House Minnesota is hosting a Meet & Greet Happy Hour in Minneapolis. What Opportunity to talk and learn about the Passive House Building Energy standard and meet like-minded people. There will be local craft beer and snacks courtesy of Swegon. Who We...

July 22, 2017


2016 Passive House Days: Save the Date

When: Saturday, November 12, 2016 from 10 am until 5 pm Where: Nordeast Nest, 2335 McKinley St. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418 What: This year we are offering a series of workshops in addition to the open house. Workshops will include:

October 10, 2016