Annual PHN Member Meeting June 27, 2024


Come gain insights into what PHN is up to, what our movement is about, and how you can connect and contribute to our national community. Thursday, June 27 at 2-3:30 PM.

The agenda will include:

  • Featured presentation with Q&A: Paul Ormond of MA DOER will tell us how Massachusetts mandated Passive House for big multifamily buildings.
  • A report on PHN activities, financials, accomplishments, and next steps.
  • Chapter activity feature.
  • Remarks by Board Chair Katelyn Meehan, with an invitation to participate in Board activities.
  • Introduction of two new resources: An action guide & a Passive House movement building brief.
  • Discussion & connection in breakout rooms.
  • General feedback, Q&A & discussion.
  • A special closing kick-off to the international Passive House Open Days.

It will be an action-packed 90 minutes. Hear the reports, ask questions, discuss, and give feedback. The success of our movement depends on you.

Meeting-related documents will be distributed before the meeting, early next week. Keep an eye on your inbox.